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I’m Dr. Te-Yi Hsieh



My Background

Originally from a clinical psychological background, I started studying the field of social robotics during my MSc at Bangor University. I gratefully got the opportunity to work in the SoBots lab, under the supervision of Prof. Emily S. Cross. Since then, I have been amazed by the thriving field and wished to investigate it further from a psychological lens. 

Such interest in social robotics motivated me to pursue a PhD at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, also under the supervision of Prof. Emily S. Cross. I studied people's cooperative behaviours to social robots via economic games, and acquired a PhD degree in July 2022.
(thesis titled "A psychology and game theory approach to human–robot cooperation") 

第一次接觸人機互動領域是在Bangor University就讀心理學碩士時,很幸運能在Prof. Emily S. Cross的實驗室探索人與機器人互動時的社交歷程,從心理學的角度研究人機互動能更確切了解如何改善機器人的設計與社交技能,同時加深、擴展我們對社會心理學、認知心理學的認識。

從碩士到博士學位(University of Glasgow),我持續在Prof. Cross的指導下,於 SoBots lab 進行人機互動的研究,主要研究人與機器人的合作歷程,試圖透過心理學實驗理解人機互動中,影響互動品質的要素。並於


(論文題名 "A psychology and game theory approach to human–robot cooperation") 

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